Ways to Give
There are many ways to give and commit ourselves to God’s mission and the church of Jesus Christ. In addition to contributions of time, talents, hopes, and prayers, financial offerings allow the church to make a positive impact in our community, our nation, and our world. Here are a few ways to support the financial health of the church:
Online Gift: Make an online contribution by clicking here.
Cash or Check: During worship, time is provided to receive the gifts and donations people feel called to offer to God and the body of Christ. Checks made payable to “Larchmont Avenue Church” may be placed in the offering plates, dropped off at the church office, or mailed to the attention of Gloria Haq, Church Bookkeeper [who can be contacted at ghaq@lacny.org or (914) 834-1800 x310].
Credit/Debit Card: Please click here or contact Gloria Haq, Church Bookkeeper at ghaq@lacny.org or (914) 834-1800 x310.
Gift of Appreciated Securities via Broker-to-Broker Transfer:
- Notify your broker asking him/her to transfer your securities by broker transfer:
- For stocks, deliver to DTC 0062 and for mutual funds DTC 5772 to account 19808646 at Vanguard Brokerage Services for Larchmont Avenue Church
- Be sure to let the Church Finance Office know you have transferred these securities to the Church Account. Otherwise, the transfer comes through with no name attached to the securities. It might take some time to credit your account, if the Finance Office is not notified of your gift.
- If this is going to be your pledge, indicate a pledge of securities on your pledge card to ensure proper credit.
- If you need further information, you can call Vanguard Brokerage Services at 800 284-7245.
- For assistance, please contact Gloria Haq, Church Bookkeeper at ghaq@lacny.orgor 914.834.1800 x310.
IRA: For individuals age 70 1⁄2 , there may be opportunities to make a qualified distribution from your IRA. Please contact your IRA custodian to discuss.
Employer Matching Gifts: Your employer may offer matching gift opportunities for your gifts to Larchmont Avenue Church. Please contact your employer to learn more.
Donor Advised Fund: If you have a donor-advised fund (DAF), please find below a free and easy online application that enables DAF donors to initiate grant recommendations directly from our website.
Legacy Giving – The Lindsley Society
In addition to your regular giving, we encourage all members and friends of Larchmont Avenue Church to consider making a lasting testament of your faith through a bequest in your will, retirement plan, or living trust. Bequests can live on in perpetuity providing enduring support for Larchmont Avenue Church. To learn more, please contact Chris Templeman at (914) 844-7279, Scott Meador at (914) 287-4744, or church bookkeeper Gloria Haq, ghaq@lacny.org, at (914) 834-1800 x310.