Spiritual Formation
A Learning Church: Expanding Knowledge and Deepening Faith
Christian Education is not just for kids! The capacity to grow is lifelong and our Church is a place where we can derive support and encouragement from others, try to make sense of our life experiences, and learn the meaning that our lives can have.
Through the efforts of our pastor and the Adult Education Committee, Larchmont Avenue Church (LAC) offers various opportunities for adults to expand their knowledge and deepen their faith through Bible study, a book group, topical programs, and more
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study will continue to meet on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. (Lindsley Room) and is led by LAC member Arthur Washington. Click for details.
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study triumphantly returned to LAC in the Fall of 2024 and meets the first Tuesday of each month (at both 11 am and 6pm in the Lindsley Room). Click for details.