Get Involved

Get Involved


Liturgists & Readers

Our worship is wider and deeper when a variety of voices help us to praise God. Leading the unison Prayer for Illumination and reading a passage of scripture from the lectern is a wonderfully simple way for you to participate in the worship life of Larchmont Avenue Church. Contact the church office for more information or to schedule a Sunday that fits best with your schedule (914.834.1800 x302 or

Sanctuary Flowers

Each Sunday, greenery and flowers add beauty and depth to our worship space. If you would like to donate an arrangement in honor or memory of someone you love, that gift is a blessing that adds to everyone’s experience of the divine. Click here to donate flowers on a Sunday that means something special to you.

If you would like to sponsor flowers in honor or in memory of loved ones, please email Betty Roodal no later than Wednesday, April 16th. The message should include the full name(s) of the honored individual(s) as well as the wording you would like included in the bulletin. For each sponsorship, we suggest a donation of $3o, payable via check to LAC (memo line: “Easter Flowers”) or via Realm (make sure to select “Easter Memorial Flowers” from the Fund drop-down menu).” Please follow the link here for Realm donation:

Church Committees

Life at Larchmont Avenue Church is about community and connection. Opportunities exist to get involved from individual events to ongoing committees. The Welcome Committee, Church & Community and Eco Task Force spearhead many events during the year from the Annual Fall Block Party and Spring Picnic to time-honored traditions, LAC’s Rummage Sale and Christmas Gift Baskets to Earth Care Sunday.


At Larchmont Avenue Church, an usher is an agent of welcome and hospitality in our worship services. In addition to distributing bulletins and helping to direct worshipers, ushers collect the congregational offering and bring those gifts forward for prayer and dedication during the service. In a more general sense, they help us all perform the sacred task of making everyone at LAC feel welcome.

Welcoming Committee

Created in 2018, the Welcoming Committee works to foster a warm, welcoming environment at Larchmont Avenue Church for members and visitors alike. With representation from both the Session and the Diaconate, this committee coordinates fellowship events, meetings with new and prospective members, and other activities designed to invite the entire community to our church. The committee also endeavors to reach out to members of Larchmont Avenue Church who have become less active in the hope that they might re-engage

Eco Task Force

Larchmont Avenue Church’s Eco Task Force was formed in 2019 with the goal of helping our congregation become better stewards of God’s beautiful earth. In recent years, the group led our effort to gain certification as a PCUSA Earth Care Congregation, an designation indicating extraordinary dedication to environmental stewardship in our worship, education, facilities, and outreach activities. The task force also facilitated the creation of a new native plant and pollinator garden in 2025. They also assist regularly with all recycling and composting efforts in our church buildings.

LAC Food Connection

The LAC Food Connection, under the auspices of the Deacons, provides occasional meals for our members who might have surgery or something that prevents them from cooking themselves. Could you prepare a meal or snack for a member of our congregation in need? Please contact us and we will add you to our list of volunteers.

Church & Community

LAC’s Church & Community Committee manages our congregation’s relationships with local mission partners, including annual contributions and support from our Benevolence Fund. In support of these efforts, the committee organizes our annual Rummage Sale, the proceeds of which serve all kinds of outreach in our area. They also lead our annual Christmas basket program. If your faith leads you to serve those in need, this committee is a perfect place to start.

If you would like to learn more about our committees and volunteerism, please contact our Church Office at 914.834.1800 x302 or

Church Governance

Larchmont Avenue Church members are invited to participate in Church Governance. Each year, nominations are submitted for a variety of open opportunities in Church Session, Trustees and Deacons. Information is posted and made public each fall for ordination in the January of the following year. Please continue to stay abreast of the process through our Church communications or contacting us at 914.834.1800 x302 or contact Rev. Peter Bynum at