Children’s Ministry
Learn more about opportunities for children, youth, and families by watching this video!
Helping our children learn and grow in faith
With programming for students ages 3 and upwards, we prioritize faith formation experiences that let each child know they are loved by God and by their church family. Four out of five Christians make a conscious or subconscious choice about their faith between the ages of 4 and 14. These years are critical as a young person matures and forms a lifelong faith connection. Our goal is to help our children learn and grow in Christian faith through education, music, worship, service projects and fellowship.
2024-2025 Schedule
As we know that parents are their children’s primary faith educators, we believe starting worship with children in the pews with their families so that they can experience prayer, music, and scripture within the context of worship.
Following a special Children’s Message, little ones may leave with their teachers for Sunday School in the library. Currently, we divide students into two groups: Ages 3 through 1st grade (Lindsley Room) and 2nd through 5th grade (Carhart Room) Parents may pick up their children from their respective classrooms following worship.
On Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of the month), students begin in Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. and will re-join their families following the sermon so that they may participate in the Lord’s Supper. All are welcome to take Communion!
Tiny Theologians with Pastor Anna Grace
Once each month Pastor Anna Grace gathers all the children together for her Tiny Theologians class. The purpose of this program is to gently introduce big ideas about God in ways that curious minds can understand. Specific topics vary each month. For the current schedule and topics, please email
Register for Sunday School
You can register your Preschool-5th Grade students via this LINK! Parents are asked to register their children each year, using a single form for all children in a family so that we can keep all information as up to date as possible.
Parents and church members are invited to volunteer to teach Sunday School from once to several times a year. The choice is yours and all are welcome. Lesson plans and materials will be prepared and supplied to the volunteer teachers by Rev. Claunch. You can learn more by emailing her directly, at any point during the year
Every August we offer a week-long Vacation Bible School program, using a curriculum called Compassion Camp. Children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to participate with the children divided into age appropriate groups.
In 2024, the theme was “What Every Living Thing Needs.” Campers learned how to be eco-sustainers and participants in the world of God’s creation by engaging in a variety of activities, including bird watching, gardening, science experiments, games, art and community service projects.
In 2025, the camp will be held from August 18th through August 22nd from 9 AM to 12 PM. The 2025 theme will be “Changing the world with loving kindness.” Registration is now open “click here to register” or the graphic below to register today.
For more information email Rev. Anna Grace Claunch,, Associate Pastor for Youth and Families.
Click here to view our Child Protection Policy.
Review our Emergency Evacuation Plan here.