About LAC
Our Church
Larchmont Avenue Church (LAC) is an active community of Christian disciples, rooted in the Reformed tradition and organized as a congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Our Mission
As a community of faith of all ages, we gather to witness God’s love and grace through worship, service, and education. We seek inspiration to more effectively serve as disciples of Christ. In a challenging world, we strive to nurture each other and our neighbors by providing a safe haven where both joys and burdens can be shared. All are welcome here.
We warmly welcome the full diversity of God’s family to worship with us and join our congregation of people from all races, genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, economic situations, and abilities.
60 Forest Park Ave, Larchmont NY, 10538 | (914) 834-1800 | LACoffice@lacny.org
Office hours are 9 am- 5pm weekdays. Some staff work remotely on certain days–if in doubt, give us a call before heading over!
We Welcome All
Our faith assures us that, in the beginning, all humankind was created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) and that each and every individual is “fearfully and wonderfully made” by our Creator (Psalm 139:14). Moreover, because God’s love for each and every one of us is so great, we – like the apostle Paul – are also convinced that nothing in all creation “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
For more than 400 years, Presbyterians have adhered to an interpretive guideline known as the “Rule of Love.” The rule rests on the teaching of Christ that there is nothing greater or more important in this world than to love God and love our neighbors. “This is my commandment,” Jesus says, “that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). This core belief guides us as we read, interpret, and live into the calling of the Bible. Therefore, if someone offers an interpretation of scripture that is not loving… if a reading of the Bible suggests something contemptuous, degrading, or dismissive of another person… then that interpretation must be wrong.
Our doors are open to everyone in Larchmont/Mamaroneck and the surrounding communities We welcome all whether here with their family, or on their own. No matter where one is in their faith journey, we invite everyone to come as they are. This is a place where everyone, from all walks of life, can find connection, community, and a sense of belonging.
All of this leads us to joyfully welcome all persons… to recognize the image of God reflected in each face… and to do our best to exhibit the radically inclusive love of God to the world. Specifically, we want LGBTQIA+ people to know that our community of faith is a safe and welcoming space where their faith, their dignity, and their value in the eyes of God will be respected and affirmed, and where their gifts for ministry will be embraced and celebrated.
We look forward to walking alongside each of you in this journey of faith and fellowship.
Blessings and peace,
Rev. Dr. Peter Bynum, Senior Pastor
Get to Know Us
We invite you to get to know us by joining us at Sunday Worship (at 10 AM) and the Coffee Hour that follows. Take a look at Upcoming Events at LAC and join us for something that interests you (from our SEEKERS speaker series, to Summer Camp or family seasonal or community service events & more)! Be sure to say hello so we know you are there and you will no doubt find many people who are eager to welcome you, answer questions, and help you navigate your way around during your visit.
Our Welcoming Committee are available to be your congregational ambassador and provide more information about our church and congregation or a blueprint for involvement. You can email our office lacoffice@lacny.org or call 914.834.1800 and we will put you in touch with the correct people.
Our pastors are always available, too, feel free to call our office at 914.834.1800 and connect with either our Senior or Associate Pastor. We would love for you to drop by for a visit and a cup of tea or coffee outside of Sunday Worship, too, just give us a call
Or, if you would like someone to be in touch with you Click Here to Fill Out Our Digital Connection Card.
Our History
Founding vision and principals; spiritual growth and benevolence
On May 17, 1914, 40 people met at the Larchmont home of Emily Lindsley, daughter of a Presbyterian minister, to form the congregation which would become the Larchmont Avenue Church. They were united by faith and their desire to establish “a church in the Reformed tradition” in Larchmont. Within a few months, they had formed a Sunday School and formally organized under the Presbytery of Westchester. Services were first held in artist Helena Flint’s studio carriage house, but the rapidly growing congregation soon needed a permanent home. Land was purchased at the corner of Larchmont and Forest Park Avenues, and by December 1915 the “basement church,” now the Carhart Room, was completed at a cost of approximately $6,000. Rev. Charles Carhart became LAC’s first pastor. By 1919, the church was already outgrowing the basement space; some Sunday School classes were forced to meet in the furnace room! A building fund was established for a permanent church. Activities were many, carried out by the Women’s Society, Men’s Group, Mission Society and others. Up to one quarter of the church’s budget was devoted to benevolences.
Opening doors and welcoming the community
In 1922, Rev. Dr. Robert M. Russell was installed as LAC’s second pastor, and in 1925 the Parish House or Church House (now Russell Hall, the Lindsley Room and church offices), was dedicated. LAC aimed to be “a 7-day church for a 7-day need,” and many community organizations used the new space, among them the Women’s Club, the Garden Club, the Men’s Club, the Society of Friends and the Masons. 1926 saw a membership of 400, with 450 children enrolled in the Sunday School.
Perseverance and ingenuity are part of the DNA
In 1929, the collapse of the stock market occurred as LAC embarked on its ambitious campaign to build the Sanctuary. Inspired by the following song (to the tune of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”) the congregation succeeded in raising funds, and the present Sanctuary was dedicated on November 2, 1930.
Take us out of the basement, Take us up in the air. Give us some cushions to sit upon, So we can sleep while the sermon is on. Let us root, root, root for an organ, And a roof that won’t leak in the rain. So let’s give, give, give till it hurts, For the church campaign.
In 1931, the completion of the installation of the Rose Window, the first of LAC’s beautiful stained-glass windows, was as a sign of continued hope and perseverance in the midst of troubled economic times. As the national financial crisis deepened, the session called for a 33% reduction in LAC’s 1932 operating budget. Rev. Russell accepted a reduction in pay, as members donated their silver, gold, and jewelry to help meet expenses and keep the church moving forward. Despite these valiant efforts, LAC was at risk of foreclosure by 1934. Rev. Russell offered to take another reduction in salary, but his offer was refused by the Trustees, who managed to renegotiate the church’s debt. Despite these troubles, LAC continued its mission, including benevolence support. In the midst of the crisis, Dr. Russell founded the Larchmont Organization for Unemployment Relief, later known as the Larchmont Aid Society. Better times lay ahead, and by 1938 the church had cleared all its debt except the mortgage. Membership had also grown to 1,207, and the LAC Sunday School was the largest Presbyterian Sunday School in Westchester.
Having guided the church through a difficult period, Rev. Dr. Russell resigned for health reasons in late 1939. In January 1940, Rev. Floyd McGuire became the third pastor of the Larchmont Avenue Church. Religious involvement in the United States increased as the nation entered World War II, and so did membership, attendance and pledges at LAC.
Strengthening bonds
From 1941 – 1944, the Red Cross used LAC’s Church House for its war work. The Couples Club, Doublets, 4th Friday Fellowship and Men’s Association were all formed to strengthen fellowship among church members. Sunday School enrollment continued to increase, and by 1942 two sessions were needed to accommodate the students.
On October 18, 1944, our founder Emily Lindsley died, having seen the church grow from 51 members who first gathered in her home to approximately 1,500 who attended regularly at the corner of Larchmont and Forest Park. The rapid growth of LAC created opportunities and challenges in the period after the War. Rev. Herbert Landes became the first full-time assistant minister in 1946.
In 1947, the great West Window, the “Christ of the Resurrection” window, was installed as a memorial to the men and women of LAC who served in the Armed Forces in World War II.
A new era sees changes in step with the times
By 1950, Sunday School enrollment was over 700, and the need for new space was critical. Plans for a new Church School building were begun, and in 1953 the new building, including the Library, was dedicated. LAC membership rose to its all-time high of over 2,000 in the mid-50s and the church sponsored a wide variety of activities and programs for all ages, including notable speakers and member-written musical revues. In 1958 the Endowment Fund was established for future capital needs. The home next to the Church (181 Larchmont Avenue) was purchased in 1962 as a manse for the senior pastor.
During the 1960s LAC was not untouched by the issues affecting the nation and the world. High school seniors began studying the practice of non-violence as a means of social change. Rev. McGuire preached on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and presided over LAC’s 50th Anniversary celebration in 1964. The all-day anniversary event included speakers including the pastor of the first church to integrate in Ohio, and someone who had just returned from civil rights marches in Mississippi. In conjunction with the celebration, Alice Holby wrote a history of the Larchmont Avenue Church.
After serving for 24 years and seeing the church through an extraordinary period of growth, Rev. Floyd McGuire retired in 1964. He was succeeded in 1965 by Rev. James Emerson, as fourth pastor. In 1966 “The Prompter” was inaugurated — a regular newsletter that included the worship bulletin of the Larchmont Avenue Church.
In 1970, Rev. Emerson was succeeded by Rev. Calvin DeVries. It is worthy of note that two of Rev. DeVries daughters were later ordained to the Presbyterian ministry: Rev. Janet DeVries and Rev. Nancy DeVries. Rev. Richard Martin became LAC’s sixth pastor from 1978-1997.
The Larchmont Avenue Church Nursery School (now the Preschool) was founded in 1974, utilizing the Church School classrooms during weekdays. It began with 12 four-year-olds and now serves over 150 children aged two to four from the church and the community. The original director Joyce Guimaraes retired in 2019.
Weathering challenges and societal shifts
The 1970s and 1980s were challenging times for churches, as society became more secular and life and work more demanding for congregants. Forward-looking church leaders began a fundraising campaign during this period to add to LAC’s Endowment Fund. When it was established in 1958 the Endowment was made up largely of unrestricted bequests; the 1980s drive increased the Endowment substantially and reaffirmed its purpose to support major capital projects. The Endowment continued to grow through market appreciation, bequests and additional gifts. Generous members, many of whom are still active today, have exhibited their faith in the future of LAC by contributing to the Endowment. Today we are very fortunate that income from the Endowment provides critical financial support for our beautiful but aging church buildings.
In the decades of the ’70s and ’80s LAC saw a gradual decline in membership, but new initiatives kept the church a vital part of many people’s lives. Fellowship and outreach during the 1980s was championed by the Candlelighters, a group of young married couples, and included Steak Under the Stars, LAC’s first annual Block Party. Tot Drop, a cooperative morning babysitting group, began in 1983. LAC’s 75th Anniversary in 1989 was celebrated with events and prayer. Members began an ongoing annual campaign to contribute to Oxfam America; and LAC began its support of HOPE Community Services, delivering hot meals to homeless families at the Larchmont Motel. The Memorial Garden, where the ashes of LAC members rest, was created in 1982 and beautified in 2018.
In the 1990s, LAC membership stabilized in the low 800s. The Midnight Run began in 1992, in cooperation with Larchmont Temple, bringing meals and clothing to the homeless in New York City. The congregation designated 1994 a “Year of Outreach” for the community. Throughout the decade, the Festival Choir presented annual concerts of great choral works with orchestra; the music program was aided by the donation of a Steinway concert grand piano for the sanctuary and the establishment of a hand bell choir.
When Rev. Martin resigned in 1997, Rev. Lincoln Richardson served as interim pastor from 1998 to 1999. On October 17, 1999 Rev. William P. Crawford was installed as the seventh senior pastor of the Larchmont Avenue Church.
At the turn of the millennium, LAC was the third largest church in the Hudson River Presbytery. At the end of 2000, Session authorized a successful community campaign to replace LAC’s failing electronic organ. Worship moved to Russell Hall briefly as the Sanctuary underwent construction to prepare for the organ installation, make accessibility modifications, and improve lighting and acoustics. Installation of the magnificent Konzelman pipe organ, with 2,916 pipes and 51 ranks, was finally completed and a service of dedication was held on November 23, 2008. Highlights from this period included the first of LAC’s popular Women’s Retreats in 2000, a successful mission trip to Nicaragua in 2001, and a healthy, reflective “time of discernment” and long-term visioning assisted by the Alban Institute. Obviously, the tragedy of 9/11 was a defining event during this time, with the Larchmont community experiencing very direct and painful losses when the Twin Towers fell. Still, the undaunted faith and commitment of LAC’s members forged ahead. The hope of better days to come was particularly felt as Rev. Crawford and Rabbi Jeff Sirkman of the Larchmont Temple brought our two congregations together for prayer, worship, and shared lament.
LAC was the third largest church in the Hudson River Presbytery, though membership had dipped to 764. It was during this period that LAC launched its first web site and made “The Prompter” a monthly newsletter separate from the worship bulletin. At the end of 2000, Session authorized a highly successful community campaign to replace LAC’s failing electronic organ. Worship moved to Russell Hall briefly as the Sanctuary underwent construction to prepare for the organ installation, make accessibility modifications, and improve lighting and acoustics. Installation of the magnificent Konzelman pipe organ, with 2,916 pipes and 51 ranks, was finally completed and a service of dedication was held on November 23, 2008.
Looking ahead to the 21st Century
In preparation for the Centennial in 2014, many areas of the church were modernized, including upgrades to the women’s and men’s rooms, installation of energy-efficient windows in the Christian Education Building, and the installation of air conditioning in Russell Hall.
A strong emphasis on church community was nurtured throughout the Centennial.
Rev. Bill Crawford retired in summer of 2018 after 20 years of service. During the transitional period following his pastorate, urgent capital projects were undertaken, including the restoration of the church spire, the redesign and furnishing of the Carhart Room and community kitchen, and renovation of the manse to meet contemporary standards.
A thoughtful study of LAC’s ministry was also completed during this time. Relying on extensive congregational surveys and table discussions, church leaders compiled and shared a comprehensive report in 2020 that identified four “core areas” for growth and development:
- Deeper Connections: “We seek to deepen our connections to one another,” the report stated. “In this success-driven world, we desire a place where we feel safe sharing our failures as well as our successes.”
- Inviting and Engaging Worship: “Worship is the bedrock of our connection with the Spirit and represents a critical opportunity to strengthen the vitality of this faith community,” said the study. “We discern a desire for worship at LAC to deepen our connection to the Divine and to be more inspiring.”
- Mission and Discipleship: The study reaffirmed the commitment to service and outreach that has always been part of LAC’s DNA. “Through service to those in need,” the report reads, “we strengthen not only our faith, but also the bonds within this faith community.”
- Youth Programs: Last but not least, the survey expressed a need and desire to strengthen the church’s programming for children and “to integrate our youth more fully into the life of this faith community, in worship and in service.”
In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the shutdown of public gatherings, non-essential businesses, schools and workplaces. LAC leaders moved quickly and decisively to prioritize health and safety while also maintaining regular worship and other ministry work as effectively as possible. Deepening this significant challenge, LAC’s interim pastor, Rev. Dr. Ellen Clemot, was called to a permanent position in October of that year. Although the congregation would spend the next six months without any installed or interim pastor, dedicated staff members and lay leaders rose to the occasion and kept the life and worship of the church moving forward.
At a congregational meeting held on April 11, 2021, the Rev. Dr. Peter A. Bynum was elected as the eighth senior pastor of LAC. He was officially installed on September 12, 2021, with Dr. Brian Blount, President of Union Presbyterian Seminary, delivering the sermon. The following year, on September 18, 2022, Rev. Anna Grace Claunch was installed as Associate Pastor of LAC.
For over four centuries, Presbyterians have been responding to the call of Jesus Christ, taking the gospel into the world and bearing witness to Christ’s saving love to the ends of the earth. Today the Holy Spirit is still on the move, calling us to share in what God is doing in the world. Shaped by its Reformed theology, history, and representational form of leadership, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) faithfully works to serve Christ in the world through new and existing communities of faith, hope, love, and witness.
Click here to learn more about the mission, theology, and active work of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Ready to Become A Member?
Are you interested in becoming a member of LAC? Would you like to know more about the process of joining? Here is what to expect: the process of joining is focused on welcoming you into our community, discerning with you where you are in your faith journey, and then helping you to get connected.
STEP ONE: Worship with us! Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m., you can worship with us in-person at the corner of Larchmont and Forest Park Avenues or online through our livestream, which is accessible through our website, via Facebook, or on our YouTube channel.
STEP TWO: Call the church office or reach out to a pastor. We would love to get to know you, and we will try to answer any questions you may have.
STEP THREE: Participate in an easy and informal new member class or prospective orientation. Led by the pastors and lay leaders in the church, these sessions are designed to share some basic information about our congregation and allow for conversation around theology and faith. These opportunities are scheduled on an as-needed basis by our Welcoming Committee.
STEP FOUR: Be welcomed into membership by the Session (our governing body) during worship! Because worship is central to who we are as people of faith, we prefer to welcome new members as a full community during one of regular Sunday worship services.
For more information, please contact the LAC Office at (914)834-1800.